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Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Expressing in Englis


a.    There is not chance of
b.    There is a very little chance of
c.    There is less chance of
d.    There is impossible that
e.    It is very doubtful
f.     It is impossible

·         There is no chance of going abroad.
·         There is very little of see Justin Bieber
·         There is less chance of going to USA
·         There is impossible that running to Medan.

a.    I am sure
b.    I’m absolutely certain
c.    I am a hundred percent certain
d.    I have no doubt
e.    I’m quite sure

§  I am sure you will pass in the National test, if you study hard
§  Budi has no doubt in his answer for the English test
·         The leader is a hundred percent certain about the program

3. Expressing Agreement
1.    I agree
2.    I agree with you
3.    I think so
4.    It certainly is)
5.    That is what I was thinking
6.    I am of the same opinion

a.    I fully agree, but his plays are so difficult to stage
b.    Ben: we have to make a program which is suitable with the condition of our country today, so people will be interested in our party.
              Jane: I agree with you.
c.    I think so, too
d.    I agree with your opinion, because it is very the best.

-          I like it
-          I really like it
-          I am satisfied with it
-          I enjoy it
o   I really like with the film in the movie last night. 
·         I was satisfied with SLANK concert in Lapangan Merdeka, last Sunday
·         I like coffee from Aceh.
·         I enjoy with you playing food ball.
·         I was satisfied with Justin Bieber concert in Sentul International conffrensioncenter, last year. 

5.Expression  Greeting
·         General greetings (Formal)
1.    Hello!
2.    How are you?
3.    How are you doing?
4.    How is everything?
5.    How's everything going?
6.    How have you been keeping? 
7.    I trust that everything is well.
General greetings (Informal)
8.    Hi.
9.    What's up?
10. Good to see you.
11. How are things (with you)?
12. How's it going?
13. How's life been treating you?
Greeting a person you haven't seen for a long time (Formal)
14. It has been a long time.
15. It's been too long..
16. What have you been up to all these years?
17. It's always a pleasure to see you.
18. How long has it been?
19. I'm so happy to see you again.
Greeting a person you haven't seen for a long time (Informal)
o    How come I never see you?
o    It's been such a long time.
o    Long time no see.
o    Where have you been hiding?
o    It's been ages since we last met.

7. Expressing Opinions
  1. Expressing Opinions : These terms are used to introduce
opinion, either for or against:
I think
I feel
I believe
As I see it
In my opinion
As far as I'm concerned
My point of view is that
In my view
It seems to me that
I figure that
From my point of view
  1. Agreeing with an Opinion:
My view about this is positive.
I agree with this idea.
I agree completely with this idea.
I agree partially with this idea.
This idea is absolutely right.
This idea is partially right.
I couldn't agree more on this.
I think this idea is good.
  1. Disagreeing with an Opinion:
I think this idea is impossible/impractical/bad.
I think this idea is possible, but
I think this idea cannot be implemented.
I don't agree with this idea.
I think it is a bad idea.
I'm not sure that I agree with this idea.


- Look out     
- Be careful              
- Watch out               
- Take care               
- Be cautions
- Watch out for ……

A :
Father            : Where are you going?
Son     : I want to by an English book at the bookstore.
Father            : All right. Take care when crossing the road. There are many vehicles.
Son     :  Sure

B :
Nani   : What are you doing?
Hani   : I’m repairing  your computer.
Nani   : Good. Do it carefully. It is very expensive.
Hani   : Don’t worry.

C :
Doctor            : These tablets should be taken three times a day after meal.
Patient           : Yes, Doc. Thank you
Doctor            : Don’t forget, they should be kept out of the reach of children.


-          I don’t suppose so
-          I deny that.
-          I don’t suppose so
-          Not at all

A :
Jhon   : Why don’t you study Economics then become a businessman?
Ali       : I think you are very fond of business, so you don’t see the situation.
Jhon   : I deny that. I can see it quite clearly.
Ali       : I’d like to study politics. I want to be a political party leader.
Jhon   : I don’t suppose so. I want you have no enemy in your life.
Ali       : I don’t think that’s right.

B :
Tomy  : I think you’re very fond of her and so you don’t see her fault.
Tono   : I deny that.

C :
Dono  : You are far too generous, uncle.
Doyok : Not at all, I want to have a really good time on your birthday

10. Expressing Suggestion
A.Giving Suggestion
- I'd like to suggest that...
- Why don't you ...?
- You should + V1
- I recommendend you to...
- How about...
- Maybe you could...
- What about going to...
- It sound like a good suggestion
- Yes, You're right
- That's good idea
- as you wish .sir/mam
  let's revise our lessons.
  What about going to the cinema tonight?
  How about playing cards?
  Why don't we do our homework?
  Couldn't we invite your grandmother to our party?
  Shall we have a walk along the river?
  What would you say to a cup of coffee?
  Don't you think it is a good idea to watch TV?
  Does it matter if we use your car?

11. Expressing Dissatisfaction                  
-          I dislike it
-          I am dissatisfied with it
-          I don’t enjoy it

1.    We don’t like the horror film
2.    I don’t satisfied with her service in wedding party
3.    To tell you the truth, I am not satisfied  about all of your favorite kinds of pictures

12. Expressing Ability
-          Able
-          Can
-          Capable
a.    Thy are able to the this duty fastly
b.    I can swim in the swimming pool.
c.    I was able to run fastly five day a go.
d.    I could not dancing two year a go.
e.    Is Andy capable of making jus orange.


-          There is a good chance of + (verb–ing)
-          There is good chance that ……
-          It is very possible that ……
-          There is possible …….

a.    There is a good chance of catching the train of you take a taxi to the station
b.    There is a good chance of having dinner with you tonight.
c.    There is a good chance that Budi will pass in the UAN.
d.    It is very possible that Rina will win.

-          I disagree
-          I am not with you
-          I can agree with
-          I can’t be along with you
-          I wouldn’t say that
-          I don’t think so

a.    I don’t entirely agree with the history of the move
b.    I see what you mean, but ……
c.    I agree, but ……
d.    Yes, but on the other hand ……
e.    Yes, but don’t you think …..

15. Expressing Uncertainty        
-          I’m not sure ……
-          I’m not really sure ……
-          I can’t say that for certain …..
-          I can’t say that for sure ……
-          I am afraid I can’t be certain …..


a.    I’m not sure Andi will come here tonight
b.    I can’t say that for certain all students pass in the test
c.    Susi is not really sure that Alan will be love her

16. Expressing Necessity
-          Must
-          Have To
-          Have Got To

a.    You must fill out this form.
b.    You have to pick up Mr. Roberts.
c.    I have got to study more.

17. Expressing Wishes
·         Whish
·         If
a.    I don't play the piano, I wish I could play the piano.
b.    I'm going bald, I wish I had more hair.
c.    I'm fat, I wish I were thin.
d.    If I have wings, I will fly in the sky.
e.      I wish I had more time so that I could relax!

18. Expressing Thanks
Thanking someone
    • Thanks.
    • Thank you.
    • Thanks a lot.
    • Thank you very much.
    • Thank you very much indeed.
    • It was very kind of you.
    • I appreciate your help.
    • You've been very helpful.
Thanking someone who tires to help
      • Thanks anyway.
      • Thank you for (looking).
      • Thanks for (trying).
      • It doesn't matter. Thanks.
      • Never mind. Thanks.
Responding to thanks
      • You're welcome.
      • Not at all.)
      • Don't mention it.
      • (It's) my pleasure.
      • It was nothing.
      • That's alright/OK.
      • No problem.

19. Expressing Sympathy
When we hear about bad things that happen to other people it's a good idea to express sympathy. This can be difficult as we want to express our concern, but don't want to be intrusive. Here are some common phrase to help you express sympathy.
Person 1: I've been rather sick lately.
Person 2: I hope you feel better soon.
Person 1: Tim has been having a lot of troubles lately. I think he might be getting a divorce.
Person 2: I'm sorry to hear about Tim's problems. Tim. I hoe things get better for him soon.

20. Expression of praise
Expression of praise, commendation, or admiration: A sincere compliment boosts one's morale.
What a quiet night it is!
How beautiful the girls are!
How clever the boy is!
How beautiful the country is!
Excuse me, but I was just admiring your bag.

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