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Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

kalimat preference dalam inggris (text preference in english)

Preference digunakan bila kita inggin menyatakan sikap atau perasaan lebih senang terhadap suatu kejadian/ benda melbihi yang lain
Preference dapat digunakan dala beberapa cara:
1. To preference (lebih senang)
I Preference + noun
I Preference to + noun
I Preference – ingfom to ingfrom

I preference American food
I preference drink beer.
I preference American food to chinese food.
                                          (dari pada)

Which do you preference, American food or Indonesian food?
Which do you preference to drink coffee or tea?

2. Would rather
Structure : ……………………….. would rather + infinitive ……… than ………..
I would rather stay home than go out
Saya lebih senang tinggal di rumah dari pada jalan – jalan

My sister would rather go by bus than by car
I would rather watch TV than go to the move

What would you rather have tea or coffee?
Would you rather go to market or the mall.

3. Would prefer
Structure :
                   ……………. Would prefer to + infinitive ………………. Rather than……….
I’d prefer to live in small town rather than in big sity
Saya lebih senang tinggal di kota kecil dari pada kota besar
I’d prefer to go to the concrt rather than see a good move.

What would you prefer to drink tea or coffee?
Would you prefer to eat chiken ?
Would you prefer to work in a hotel or in bank?

Semua ungkapan ini dapat dirangkap dengan “instead of” (dari pada)
I’d prefer to stay home instead of going out.
I’d prefer to swim instead of asking.

Preference dapat juga dinyatakan dengan menggunakan kata kerja “like” dengan pola seperti di bawah ini.
…………….. Like …………………… better than …………….

I like tea better than coffee
I like hiking better than cycling
John like football better than badminton.
My sister likes classical music better than pop music.

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