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Kamis, 12 November 2015

Network management principle

    In network management, it's have 4 principle. this is fault management, configuration management, performance management, and security management. this principle make by The International Organization for Standardization or ISO. So we are discuss it, one by one. 

1. Fault Management.
      It's have facility that allows the network administrator to find out the error (fault ) on a managed device , network , and network operation , in order to immediately determine what the cause and can immediately take action ( repair) . To that end, fault management mechanisms for :
- Reported the occurrence of errors.
- Noted an error report ( logging ).
- perform diagnosis.
- Correcting errors ( possible automatically )

you can see it on :

Exmple : A network has a problem , so that users can not access the data. So, then admistrator must perform stage above the stage . to conclude. whether the cause of the problem and what should be done to address the problem

2. Configuration Management.
       Activities that provides functions to control and identify the elements of the network (Network Element - NE), retrieve and deliver data from or to the NE. Configuration management includes:

- Network Planning and Engineering.
- Installation Control and Status.
- Provision ( Provisioning ) Planning and Negotiation Services.

You can see it on:

Example: A company, will make big network to their company. so, they must have Planning and Engineering for this network. then must Installation network. last they must have Provision ( Provisioning ) Planning and Negotiation Servic.

3. Performance Management.
       Activities required to assess the performance indicators of network operations on an ongoing basis .With the performance management:
- service levels can be maintained.
- kondisi jaringan dapat dikenali.
  - the possibility of interference can be predicted.
- can create a complete report for decision-making and planning activities .

You can see it on:

4. Security Managemen
Manage access to network resources so that the information can't be obtained without permission \. This is:
    - Give noiitece of the the existence of try violations and security  breaches.
    - Restrict acces to network resources.

Network security is very important, because a lot of things that must be protected in the network. if the security network is not maintained it will be many parties who have an interest, to destabilize the data. eg business rivals and etc.

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

Ke Binjai Yuk...

Buat yang pada udah sampai medan jangan nongkorng di Medan aja. atau langsung ke Danau Toba atau Berastagi, ya kerena ini yang pamiliar buat orang - orang yang datang ke Medan. padahal ada temapa yang asik lainya. coba teman - teman mau jalan diki. kalian bisa nemui yang namanya Binjai, yak Binjai si kota rambutan. kira kira cuma 20 menit naik kereta api dari Medan.

Pas di stasiun kereta api meda bisa foto-foto kerena pemandanganya asik buat foto

Puas foto di sekitar setasiun kereta, langusung mesan tiket KA kelas ekonomi dengan dengan harga Rp. 8.000, ya dapat dibilang murah lah murah. KA ekomi menuju binjai sangat nyaman.  selagi nunggu KA jalan, di dalam stasun KA juga enak buat foto.